Sunday, March 14, 2010


"Tis the gift to be simple, tis the gift to be free, tis the gift to come down where we ought to be" - this verse is from a Shaker Hymn by Elder Joseph Brackett and it is one of my all time favorite songs. I love this song so much that I've told my family I wanted it played at my memorial service (not to be morbid but it's good to get those things out there ... I can just picture Jeff "now what song did she say she liked ..." and the kids all staring blankly back, although I bet Wrenn would remember). The lyrics speak to me and the melody is uplifting. When the kids were really little I used to scoop them up in my arms and twirl around the room with them with the song blasting.

I like things uncomplicated. Maybe that's one reason so much about Japan holds my attention. Artistically they know how to take things down to the essence. Like the weaving spools and the fisherman's net balls. I found these at a bazaar sale this weekend and just couldn't let them go - two simple unrelated items, brought together to form a visual treat. Simple and inspiring.

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